6th BC Botanical Garden, spring 2009

my work goes through many phases. sometimes less is enough. and just seeing the paintings in all their forms can be fun.

so in that spirit, here’s the 6th BC Botanical garden in the spring of 2009. perhaps a work in progress, perhaps it is done!

6BC Botanical Garden in bloom © 2009 by Lauren Edmond

the 6BC Botanical Garden is, of course, located on 6th Street between Avenues B&C, in the East Village, or Loisaida, or in the atlas, Tompkins Square, NY. The garden itself is a work of art, and the result of the work of many gardeners. Unlike the other community gardens where each gardener has their own plot, 6BC is one garden that all gardeners share. Here’s another painting from 6BC, in September of 2006,

6BC September Light © 2006 by Lauren Edmond

This painting is part of the show currently hanging at Planet One Cafe. More on that show soon!

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